I would first like to say, God bless redbox and 7/11 for giving me this opportunity by having redbox codes on Big Gulps. Because they did I was able to rent this movie and this is indeed an incredible film, but it's complicated and an in depth film unlike the ones I have been watching lately and so I can't say this will be anywhere easy to write about because this certainly wasn't easy to watch.
Ex Machina (2015)
Starring: Domhnall Gleeson, Corey Johnson, Oscar Isaac, Alicia Vikander, and Sonoya Mizuno.
Synopsis: A young programmer is selected to participate in a ground-breaking experiment in artificial intelligence by evaluating the human qualities of a breath-taking female A.I.
First thing I am saying is this movie has a MAJOR triggering scene. If you are triggered by any sort of self harm, be extremely careful while watching this movie. There is a scene where one of the characters uses a razor on his skin and a lot is shown. It happens right after the main character (Caleb) is looking in the mirror and pulling at his skin. Please be careful if you are triggered by it.
The movie starts off with the main character Caleb Smith (Domhnall Gleeson) -who is a programmer at a popular internet search engine called Giant Bluebook- receiving floods of texts from his coworkers and friends congratulating him. He's won a company-wide lottery which allows him one week at the estates of Nathan Bateman (Oscar Isaac), the company's CEO. From that you move to him in a helicopter on his way to Nathan's estate. Once arriving, he makes small talk with Nathan and is shown to his room. Before he can explain to Caleb just what he is doing there, he makes him sign a non disclosure form. Caleb is unsure about it; feeling like he needs a lawyer present for him to decide if it would be smart or not. Nathan explains to him that if he doesn't want to, he doesn't have to. That they can hang out all week and get to know each other and then he can go home, but in a few years from now he's going to see what he missed out on. Feeling pressured and probably quite curious on what Nathan is researching, he signs the form.
From then on you learn about Ava, a AI (Artificial Intelligence) which Caleb will be the human in the Turing Test which is when a human interacts with a computer, and if the human doesn't know they're interacting with a computer - the test is passed. (After their first session, Caleb points out - "In a Turing Test the machine should be hidden from the examiner." to which Nathan replies with "the real test is to show you that she's a robot, and then see if you feel she still has consciousness.") Through monitored sessions with Ava (monitored by Nathan), Caleb gets to know more about her and how she functions, deciding as they finish each session whether she can pass the test.
Ex Machina doesn't have a lot of characters, actually there's only 4 to be exact. Only three which can speak English. But it works incredibly well for what they were trying to accomplish, and you don't feel like you are missing out by the lack of characters.
This film wasn't big in theaters, it wasn't widely promoted and it wasn't well known. But hopefully now that it's out on DVD and Blu-ray (redbox too of course) more people will take interest into it. This is not a movie you want to miss out on, it's one that plays with your thoughts, intrigues you and makes you doubt everything. In the end you'll feel just as distraught as the rest of the characters.
This movie wasn't something you could watch while you cleaned your house, and you certainly wouldn't want to either. You have to make decisions for yourself and decide who you want to trust, because no one is trustworthy. The CGI is beautiful and each scene has meaning. Although there were a few things that bothered me personally (the amount of female nudity towards the end was unnecessary) it wasn't enough to ruin the film or make me think any less of it. It not only succeeded at being a great Sci-Fi, but it had deeper meaning beyond that with Ava and how she saw herself. I won't say much about it to keep this review spoiler free, but it was definitely something every Sci-Fi fan should watch, and I wouldn't think twice before recommending it to someone.
Rate: 8/10
Favorite Character: Ava
Should You Watch It?: Yes, especially if you enjoy a good psychological movie/ Sci-Fi.
A movie review blog, where I write about the movies I have watched this year and force you to watch them.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Saturday, May 23, 2015
'10 Things I Hate About You' Movie Review
Well, I am certainly very far behind on the bandwagon, about 16 years to be exact. But it was 2am and I found myself deciding to finally give it a shot, after all, I had been meaning to watch this movie for about 2 years now, but after time I eventually forgot about it, until now. Now prepare yourself, because I can't promise that this review will be all that professional. (Light fangirling ahead)
10 Things I Hate About You (1999)
Starring: Julia Stiles, Heath Ledger, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Larisa Oleynik, and Andrew Keegan.
Synopsis: Kat Stratford is beautiful, smart and quite abrasive to most of her fellow teens, meaning that she doesn't attract many boys. Unfortunately for her younger sister, Bianca, house rules say that she can't date until Kat has a boyfriend, so strings are pulled to set the dour damsel up for a romance. Soon Kat crosses paths with a handsome new arrival Patrick Verona. Will Kat let her guard down enough to fall for the effortlessly charming Patrick?
Now, going into the movie I didn't quite understand just what I was getting into. Just that
- It was a 90s movie (barely)
- My older brother loved it, and his movie taste is pretty valid
- It had two of my favorite actors in it. It's a win-win situation.
I don't mean to make it seem that you have to over-analyze and really dig deep into the movie like I did. You can watch it and just laugh, smile, cry, finish the movie than just shake it off and forget about it. But I dunno, I believe there is much more to the movie than just that.
Now to get into the movie, it starts off and you are immediately introduced to Kat (Julia Stiles) and her younger sister Bianca (Larisa Oleynik), though they are sisters they are polar opposites. Immediately I was drawn to Julia's character. Her rough, abrasive attitude was entertaining and hilarious. She was a character that would most likely be irritating in real life, but very enjoyable from the pleasure of a screen.
For Bianca, I was surprised to not hate her as much as I would have thought to. I will admit that within the first minute of the movie I was already quite annoyed by her, she was your typical young, annoying sibling. But she definitely warmed up to me, her just like her sister, had a personality that was very hidden for awhile, and first only came out when around certain people, but throughout the movie they both had quite the character development.
Moving on from them two for a second, I would like to talk about the precious little Cameron. He is half in love with Bianca and really the reason the whole movie happens.
To start it off, he is played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt and he is so adorable, he's a little freshman nerd who has a major crush on the popular girl in school. Expect unlike most people, he does something about it, and he does his best not to give up on his dream to date her, even though pretty much everything is against that happening. Especially Joey Donner (Andrew Keegan), the hot shot, also popular, 'hot' boy in the school. Who also is a major jerk, but Bianca is too innocent and new to getting all this attention to notice.
In Cameron's hopes of getting Bianca to date him, he starts talking with her, and is faced with a horrible issue. Bianca can't date anyone until her sister Kat does, and really, with Kat's behavior, no one wants to, and that is just the way Kat likes it. Convinced that he'll find someone for Kat, he promises Bianca that he'll make sure she gets a boyfriend, blinded by his love for her and not realizing that Bianca plans on using this to be able to date Joey.
After going through a review of a group of boys, he notices Patrick (Heath Ledger), he knows immediately that he's their guy. With his new friend Michael's help, they set up a plan. Since Joey likes Bianca, they tell him their problem, and since Joey has money, he'll pay Patrick to take Kat on a date. But two problems surface.
1. Kat doesn't say 'yes' easily, especially to a date
Well I guess you'll have to watch the movie for the second one.
I can usually never sit through a movie, it doesn't matter how good the movie is, unless I'm in a theater, I have to pause it at least twice. There wasn't a single time that I paused the movie. It was effortlessly funny, heart-wrenching (at times), and so gosh darn adorable.
The progression of Patrick's care for Kat is so unbelievably perfect. And really you can see the moment when he realizes that he actually generally cares for her, and that has to for sure be my favorite scene out of the whole movie. So I'm going to talk about it for a second, if you haven't seen it and you would like to experience the whole thing without knowing any of the scenes, I'm putting a very light spoiler warning just in case.
*Very light spoiler*
There's a scene where Kat is at a party (she was begged by Bianca to come, because like most of the rules, Bianca can't do it unless Kat does) and she has gotten very drunk because she was upset over something that Joey said to her. She has just danced on a table and had hit her head on the chandelier and fell from the table. But Patrick was able to catch her before she hit the ground. He carried her out of the house and to a nearby swing set so he could get her out of the lime light and would be able to actually make sure she was okay.
He set her on the swing next to him and they began talking, he asks her a question and when he is waiting for her reply, he turns to look at her and notices that she has passed out, worried that she has a concussion, he jumps from his seat and grabs her arms, on the verge of panic as he tries to wake her up. She wakes up quite quickly and is still too drunk to get what happened, but you can tell that she is at least a bit surprised by his panic
*Spoiler over*
Just the total worry he has for her throughout that total scene is absolutely beautiful and it really helped with his character arc. It showed that this had begun to become something that he wasn't just doing for the money.
There is one more scene I want to bring up before I go onto my overall analysis of the film, and this is a slightly bigger scene, but I noticed it and just had to bring it up.
*Light spoiler*
The scene I am talking about is the one right after the party, Kat is still clearly somewhat drunk and they're sitting in his car talking, and she leans over to kiss him. He hesitates for a moment, before turning his head. Now, I don't know what exactly was the intent for this scene, or why the director made him not kiss her, but with the way he hesitates, and by the way he had shown that he had cared for her before, I think that the reason he didn't kiss her, is not because he didn't want to. I mean look at him, the way he leans in for a second before turning away, and replies with "Maybe we should do this some other time" makes me believe that his reasoning was because he didn't want to kiss her while she was drunk. Not because he didn't like the way her breath smelled because of the alcohol, but because it wasn't right! She was not fully there, and being a decent human, knew it wasn't right to take advantage of her like that. Even if she was even half-there. So I just have to say, major props to that scene.
*Spoiler over*
Overall, this movie was so much more than I had first given it credit, and is perfectly made with the right amount of everything. The characters are funny, relatable, and inspiring (Every single one of Patrick's speeches to Cameron had me wanting to pull up a blanket and just listen to him give Cameron courage). The movie held everything together well, and unlike most movies, there wasn't a single unneeded moment, and not a single meaningless sex scene that was in the movie just because! (That alone made the movie on the top 10 list of greatest movies)
Now with this being my favorite movie (tied up there with 'We Bought a Zoo' I am not surprised that this is my longest review yet, and how ironic that I stayed up til 4am watching it, and 4am writing a review about it, who needs sleep? I do, very badly. Why must I do this to myself
Rate: 10/10
Favorite Character: That's tough, Kat and Patrick (Cameron is 2nd)
Should You Watch It? HAHA! Yes! Of course.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
'Cinderella' Movie Review
I watched another movie! And what a joy it was!
I debated for a while on whether or not I wanted to write a review on this, and half-way through I decided to do so, it was a much better movie than I had thought it was going to be, I was very pleasantly surprised, so here it is, from the title you already know. Onward!
Cinderella (2015)
Starring: Lily James, Richard Madden, Helena Bonham Carter, and Cate Blanchett.
Synopsis (Though if you don't know what its about, you have then convinced me you have lived under a rock your whole life. How's that worked for you?): After her father unexpectedly dies, young Ella (Lily James) finds herself at the mercy of her cruel stepmother (Cate Blanchett) and stepsisters, who reduce her to scullery maid. Despite her circumstances, she refuses to despair. An invitation to a palace ball gives Ella hope that she might reunite with the dashing stranger (Richard Madden) she met in the woods, but her stepmother prevents her from going. Help arrives in the form of a kindly beggar woman who has a magic touch for ordinary things.
The movie was bloody brilliant! I didn't think I would like it very much, but oh dear was it real and true to its trailer! It had emotion and the acting was phenomenal, they could not have picked a better Cinderella than Lily James, and the chemistry between Cinderella and The Prince were definitely there. Not to mention the fact that The Prince (Charming) totally lived up to his name, he was charming and a complete gentleman, he was kind and respectful.
(Light Spoilers)
Even when he was brought to the choice of choosing who to marry (other Disney movies, I'm looking at you) he was respectful of his fathers wishes while also choosing what he believed to be right, though he 'rebelled' against his dad (though not really because his dad then agreed with him and told him to find Cinderella) he didn't run off and say "I'm not going to marry a princess na-na you can't stop me!", he just told him the truth, and he really did like this girl, and though his dad may have found love in a princess, he liked this peasant girl.
(End of Spoilers)
I think the most aggravating thing about the movie was how Cinderella got treated, not to say that I didn't enjoy it, because it is what made the movie so real, it's because she was such a kindhearted girl, so sweet, and no matter what she did, whether she cleaned the whole house up and down, she still got looked down upon and treated like dirt. So watching all that happen, and seeing her just accept it, it was aggravating because it comes to the point where you just want to throw popcorn at the stepmother and say "Leave her alone!" because Ella won't, she doesn't speak up, she just takes it. And let me say, all the scenes with Ella crying, where pure heartbreak, because she is just one of those criers where if they cry, you want to cry, because it's so real and sad and she just totally breaks down.
The whole movie was such a delight to watch, and the effects and acting where A+, it is definitely a movie I would watch again, and one I believe everyone should at least try to watch. It was funny, real, sweet, incredible, cute, and all together a great movie, it's family friendly and Ella and Prince Charming are both great role models for children (and adults/teens).
Rate: 8/10
Favorite Character: Cinderella or The Prince
Should You Watch It?: For sure!
I debated for a while on whether or not I wanted to write a review on this, and half-way through I decided to do so, it was a much better movie than I had thought it was going to be, I was very pleasantly surprised, so here it is, from the title you already know. Onward!

Starring: Lily James, Richard Madden, Helena Bonham Carter, and Cate Blanchett.
Synopsis (Though if you don't know what its about, you have then convinced me you have lived under a rock your whole life. How's that worked for you?): After her father unexpectedly dies, young Ella (Lily James) finds herself at the mercy of her cruel stepmother (Cate Blanchett) and stepsisters, who reduce her to scullery maid. Despite her circumstances, she refuses to despair. An invitation to a palace ball gives Ella hope that she might reunite with the dashing stranger (Richard Madden) she met in the woods, but her stepmother prevents her from going. Help arrives in the form of a kindly beggar woman who has a magic touch for ordinary things.
The movie was bloody brilliant! I didn't think I would like it very much, but oh dear was it real and true to its trailer! It had emotion and the acting was phenomenal, they could not have picked a better Cinderella than Lily James, and the chemistry between Cinderella and The Prince were definitely there. Not to mention the fact that The Prince (Charming) totally lived up to his name, he was charming and a complete gentleman, he was kind and respectful.
(Light Spoilers)
Even when he was brought to the choice of choosing who to marry (other Disney movies, I'm looking at you) he was respectful of his fathers wishes while also choosing what he believed to be right, though he 'rebelled' against his dad (though not really because his dad then agreed with him and told him to find Cinderella) he didn't run off and say "I'm not going to marry a princess na-na you can't stop me!", he just told him the truth, and he really did like this girl, and though his dad may have found love in a princess, he liked this peasant girl.
(End of Spoilers)
I think the most aggravating thing about the movie was how Cinderella got treated, not to say that I didn't enjoy it, because it is what made the movie so real, it's because she was such a kindhearted girl, so sweet, and no matter what she did, whether she cleaned the whole house up and down, she still got looked down upon and treated like dirt. So watching all that happen, and seeing her just accept it, it was aggravating because it comes to the point where you just want to throw popcorn at the stepmother and say "Leave her alone!" because Ella won't, she doesn't speak up, she just takes it. And let me say, all the scenes with Ella crying, where pure heartbreak, because she is just one of those criers where if they cry, you want to cry, because it's so real and sad and she just totally breaks down.
The whole movie was such a delight to watch, and the effects and acting where A+, it is definitely a movie I would watch again, and one I believe everyone should at least try to watch. It was funny, real, sweet, incredible, cute, and all together a great movie, it's family friendly and Ella and Prince Charming are both great role models for children (and adults/teens).
Rate: 8/10
Favorite Character: Cinderella or The Prince
Should You Watch It?: For sure!
Thursday, February 26, 2015
'Love Rosie' Movie Review
This Tuesday(2-9-15), I had the most amazing and incredible experience, of watching the movie, Love, Rosie, in theaters. And let me tell you, it was just about as magical as the book.
Love, Rosie (2015)
Starring: Lilly Collins, Sam Claflin, Christian Cooke, Jamie Winstone, Suki Waterhouse, and Lily Laight.
Synopsis: Rosie and Alex are best friends until Alex's family moves to America. They gamble everything to keep their love and friendship alive over the years and miles.
Again! With the terrible synopsis's! Argh, I'll make this one quick.
Rosie and Alex have been best friends ever since they were just tots. As they grow older, they both realize they have feelings for each other, though neither of them ever have the guts to say it. They put everything into their relationship, trying to keep it alive throughout the years and miles, and waiting for the moment where their feelings catch up with them.
So let me tell you, around summer '14, I saw the trailer for this movie, speechless by the 3 minutes of glory that I endured, I almost jumped for joy when I found out it was based on a book. Naturally, I put it on hold and read it (Where Rainbows End, By Cecelia Ahern). It was my all time favorite, I was screaming at the thought of seeing the movie. So I endured, months and months of zero talk about the movie, until coming January, the date for the release of it in theaters, came out. Long story short, I endured another month of wait, until I could see it (In select theaters, to my dismay)
I begged my mom to take me (By the grace of God, it was playing at a theater a couple minutes away), and though it felt like we never were going to, the day came and we found a time that we could.
THIS MOVIE WAS INCREDIBLE. My opinion on it can definitely be stated as biased, seeing that Lilly Collins and Sam Claflin are two of my favorite actors, and the book is my favorite, but either way, I will highly suggest that you see the movie
Anyways, onto the actual movie, the quality, acting- goodness; everything, about that movie was incredible. Though, like all movies based on books, a TON of things were changed. But seeing that the book takes place over a 35+ year time elapse, I would say they had to cut somethings out and make changes.
First I would like to go on about the cute and hilarious friendship between Rosie and Alex, it's a relationship that holds itself together for so long. That has so much openness, that allows them both to speak their mind. One where they can completely act like themselves around each other, where they both know every quirk about one another. They are incredible to watch on screen together, their chemistry as actors(and characters) is a joy to watch. They both play off each other perfectly.
Now I will leave you with my two favorite quotes from the film/book

Starring: Lilly Collins, Sam Claflin, Christian Cooke, Jamie Winstone, Suki Waterhouse, and Lily Laight.
Synopsis: Rosie and Alex are best friends until Alex's family moves to America. They gamble everything to keep their love and friendship alive over the years and miles.
Again! With the terrible synopsis's! Argh, I'll make this one quick.
Rosie and Alex have been best friends ever since they were just tots. As they grow older, they both realize they have feelings for each other, though neither of them ever have the guts to say it. They put everything into their relationship, trying to keep it alive throughout the years and miles, and waiting for the moment where their feelings catch up with them.
So let me tell you, around summer '14, I saw the trailer for this movie, speechless by the 3 minutes of glory that I endured, I almost jumped for joy when I found out it was based on a book. Naturally, I put it on hold and read it (Where Rainbows End, By Cecelia Ahern). It was my all time favorite, I was screaming at the thought of seeing the movie. So I endured, months and months of zero talk about the movie, until coming January, the date for the release of it in theaters, came out. Long story short, I endured another month of wait, until I could see it (In select theaters, to my dismay)
I begged my mom to take me (By the grace of God, it was playing at a theater a couple minutes away), and though it felt like we never were going to, the day came and we found a time that we could.
THIS MOVIE WAS INCREDIBLE. My opinion on it can definitely be stated as biased, seeing that Lilly Collins and Sam Claflin are two of my favorite actors, and the book is my favorite, but either way, I will highly suggest that you see the movie
Anyways, onto the actual movie, the quality, acting- goodness; everything, about that movie was incredible. Though, like all movies based on books, a TON of things were changed. But seeing that the book takes place over a 35+ year time elapse, I would say they had to cut somethings out and make changes.
First I would like to go on about the cute and hilarious friendship between Rosie and Alex, it's a relationship that holds itself together for so long. That has so much openness, that allows them both to speak their mind. One where they can completely act like themselves around each other, where they both know every quirk about one another. They are incredible to watch on screen together, their chemistry as actors(and characters) is a joy to watch. They both play off each other perfectly.
Probably my second favorite thing about the movie (More the relationships in the movie) is how real Rosie's relationship is with her daughter Katie. As a single mother, she really does have to do most of everything on her own, and she keeps her relationship with Katie amazingly. Throughout the movie, you can see how much she cares for her (Which is one thing from the book that they really kept true to itself), I can't really explain any of it, honestly its something that you have to see for yourself. But it really is something that I enjoyed about the movie, its also something that my mother also highly enjoyed about it, because you can tell that they didn't shy away from all of it, it's a big part of the movie and something that is shown to really mean something to Rosie.
Personally, as much as I loved this movie (And don't even start me, I loved the movie), but this particular movie, I am finding trouble writing a review for, I feel like this is a movie that you have to watch (Or read Definitely read it) to fully get/understand it.
The only real problem I had with the movie, that I am going to point out, is how much emotion you miss out on, don't get me wrong, they had so much emotion in it, it was incredible how much they managed to portray (Lily Collins plays Rosie's emotions and heartache perfectly), but like I said with watching the movie, you aren't able to see the in depth thoughts of Rosie and Alex's thoughts that you can in the book. So if you are to watch the movie, I would suggest reading the book first. But if you can't wait *sigh*, then simply watch it, read the book, then re-watch the movie with the thoughts and added things from the book in mind, it really effects how you see the movie.
Which leads to the last thing I would like to add. If you are one of those, who has read the book, and you watch the movie. You will like it so much more. Because as I said above, you can see it all on her (Rosie) face. When your watching it, and one of the heartbreaking scenes happen (If you've read it, you know the ones I am referring to), when you look at her face; you can tell what she's thinking, and it makes her emotions so much more real, its like you can read her mind (Because technically you can/have) and you are able to read it all on her face. Like I said, I'm not good with words, and I'm finding it really tough to explain. But please, dear please. Consider watching/reading the movie/book, It's amazing.
Rate: 10/10
Should you watch it?: YES. Not even a debate.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
'Remember Me' Movie Review
Well here we have, my first movie review. I have been holding off writing this for a very, very, long time now, but I finally decided 'Hey, I'm suppose to be watching like 12 other movies, and doing my homework. But instead lets write a movie review!' So here it is, the first movie I have seen this year, and the first one I will write about on the blog
Starring: Robert Pattinson, Emilie de Ravin, Pierce Brosnan, Chris Cooper, and Ruby Jerins.
Synopsis: Tyler (Robert Pattinson) has had a strained relationship with his father (Pierce Brosnan since a family tragedy. Rebellious and troubled, he thinks no one can understand his pain, then he meets Ally (Emilie de Ravin). Her warmth and spirit soon begin to heal him, and they fall in love. But just when Tyler begins to rediscover happiness and meaning in his life, emerging secrets threaten their romance.
That is the synopsis that was given to me via google, but honestly, I don't believe it does the movie justice. The first thing that its missing; is its not about falling in love, and if you have that in mind (Like I did) when you start the movie, you will be disappointed will find that its about something much greater.
So here, is my own synopsis detailed plot on the film (It may spoil small things that you learn in the middle of the movie, so forgive me.)
Troubled and broken Tyler Hawkins (Robert Pattinson) is still in the middle of recovering from his brothers suicide, cigarettes and writing letters to his brother is how he copes with it all. Until one day; when he's leaving the club with his best friend Aidan Hall (Tate Ellington), and two girls they met, he sees a fight break out in the ally. He goes and helps out the helpless people that are getting punched and kicked, and when the police come; they arrest everyone that is fighting, except Tyler and Aidan; who the two girls tell the cops were just trying to break up the fight. Tyler gets angry because the other people didn't start the fight and they don't deserve to be arrested, he yells at the cop; gets into a small fight, and gets arrested.
Later on his best friend finds out that the cop that arrested him; has a daughter, Ally Craig (Emilie de Ravin). He convinces him to date the girl, and then break up with her so he can get back at the cop. Problem is, he falls for her.
Blah blah blah, things happen, they fall in love, its cute. But the real plot, is his family. His father, Charles Hawkins (Pierce Brosnan), has given up on all emotions, he never interacts with his son; Tyler, but most of all, his daughter, Caroline (Ruby Jerins) who honestly believe that she is unloved by her father. He stays at work all day, treating his daughter like nothing, he is just a person who buys her what she wants, but doesn't care for her. He only bails Tyler out of jail and gives him money, it isn't really said, whether he became like this through his sons death or not, but it is quite obvious that he has been like this for a while now.
The movie isn't about Tyler and Ally's relationship (though it is great, and the chemistry between the actors is amazing), it's about all the characters growth, Tyler healing and helping his dad and sister heal, helping his girlfriend Ally, who watched her mother get shot and killed by a group of people that mugged her and her mom when she was younger, heal. It's about Ally and her fathers relationship, which has been on the rocks since her mothers death; healing and being fixed. The movie is all about getting over your struggles and moving past them, its about living in the now, it's about healing from past scars.
No matter what you believe its about, you will be moved by it, When I finished the movie I had to sit in front of the screen for a few minutes and rethink what I just watched, its the type of movie that has you crying, laughing, screaming, and walking out of the theater (Or into the other room) with the bliss feeling that you get when you just watch a good movie.
Remember Me is definitely a movie I would watch again, and it is up there with my top 20 favorite movies. I laughed and cried, it was a very enjoyable movie; and one that I ran onto twitter to find other people who watched the movie to rant to.
The acting is great, I still can't get over Robert Pattinson and Ruby Jerins relationship; anytime they were on screen together I had to drop everything and pay attention, maybe it's because Tyler just looks so adorable when he takes care of his little sister.
Aidan Halls's character was hilarious, though a real jerk at times, I would have punched him for sure in many different moments. But no character was more annoying than Tyler's father, his stubborn and obliviousness was the most aggravating thing of the movie, which made the movie all the more better.
Rate: 9/10
Favorite Character: Caroline Hawkins!
Should You Watch it? Yes!
Now, I tell you; tell me your opinion on it, if you have already seen it; tell me your opinions and if you liked it. But more importantly, tell me if you decided to watch it because of what I said, and than tell me if you liked it, I would love to know
I will now end with a photo of me and a giraffe back in summer 2014 at the Memphis Zoo.
Good day that was. Enjoy yours today! :)
Now, I tell you; tell me your opinion on it, if you have already seen it; tell me your opinions and if you liked it. But more importantly, tell me if you decided to watch it because of what I said, and than tell me if you liked it, I would love to know
I will now end with a photo of me and a giraffe back in summer 2014 at the Memphis Zoo.

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